Ojibwe Teacher Training: Developing the Next Generation of Anishinaabemowin Educators
Some Ojibwe immersion schools have been in operation for 25 years. New programs are being created in many areas. New funds are starting to support Anishinaabemowin medium education. But we never have enough capable, qualified speakers to staff critical positions and uncork the growth we all want to see. Join Dustin Burnette, Executive Director of the Midwest Indigenous Immersion Network and Anton Treuer, Professor of Ojibwe at Bemidji State University for an exploration of a novel and dynamic new initiative to create and support Ojibwe educator development. Discussion will include multi-institutional partnerships, funding, Ojibwe fluency development in adult education, centering Ojibwe immersion pedagogy, and recruitment of a new generation of Ojibwe teachers.
This presentation is in-person and part of the Anishinaabemowin Teg Language Conference in Sault Ste. Marie, MI.